Please the People or Be Yourself

It’s always to please any and everyone’s idea of what we should be, and never our own. At times, it feels like that’s what we’re supposed to do like it’s normal or something…

The Cares of This World

…this life is filled with different things that require our constant attention, and that sometimes makes it hard to keep God at the front of our minds.

Signs of the Times

Throughout the ups and downs our country and our world has faced over the last half year, certain sentiments have become so common…

Well, I Can’t Not Look

We see our people constantly being abused and we feel the need to stay informed so we can act. Staying informed can be exhausting …

Pessimism Is a Choice

Greatness and positivity are within us, waiting to be unleashed, but occasionally, we succumb to the tendencies of allowing one horrific circumstance to limit our forward progression. The world may seem like…

A Talk on Seasonal Depression

Seasonal Depression can have a huge impact on our Mental Health. It’s time we talk about it. Listen to Isaiah speak on his experience and please remember you are not alone.

How to be (Heal)thy

What we do know and can discern is that the health of all 3 – the mind, body and spirit – are intrinsically connected. I would contend even further that all three essentials…

Be Your Peace

I want peace. I want happiness. I will not get those things by letting other people hurt me. I must do the work to protect myself because of the love…

Please the People or Be Yourself

It’s always to please any and everyone’s idea of what we should be, and never our own. At times, it feels like that’s what we’re supposed to do like it’s normal or something…

The Cares of This World

…this life is filled with different things that require our constant attention, and that sometimes makes it hard to keep God at the front of our minds.

Signs of the Times

Throughout the ups and downs our country and our world has faced over the last half year, certain sentiments have become so common…

Well, I Can’t Not Look

We see our people constantly being abused and we feel the need to stay informed so we can act. Staying informed can be exhausting …