Overcoming Me

Focusing on what I was going to do about the problems I had actually took me further from the peace that comes with God...


Overcoming Me

Focusing on what I was going to do about the problems I had actually took me further from the peace that comes with God...

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with my life and all the problems that come with it. Whether it’s school-still, work, family, and friends, my life and the things that I need, seem to consume me beyond comparison. Now, that sounds normal to people who live in this world just depending on themselves to get through life, but as a Christian, this is out of order.

Pride is defined as a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

Pride is one of the words that have a distasteful sting when said, making everyone want to disassociate before understanding. I am one of those people.

For the last month, I have been so overwhelmed with my life that it seemed to be maddening. One problem turned into another, which also led to another, and it was just so exhausting. So exhausting that thinking about other people and even how God can help me became more of a bother, an exertion of energy that I already did not have. Though it may sound like I’m just a person going through “a season of trials”, my heart was saying, “God, I don’t need your help, because I’ve got this in control.”

Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? (Matthew 6:27)

Now most of us aren’t introspective with ourselves or willing to see the signs of pride, but the Bible talks about how it is more hopeful for fools than for those who think of themselves as wise. To think of yourself as wise is to think that you have the best options for every conflict you face. This is why it can come off as a surprise when situations do not work out the way you expect sometimes, and that’s where frustration and indecisiveness come in. From the outside looking in, I used busyness as an excuse not to do His will. Focusing on what I was going to do about the problems I had actually took me further and further from the peace that comes with God. My conversations turned into venting and ruminating on problems and having God as the last resort when I couldn’t do it anymore.

Before you click off, I want you to understand that I’m not belittling the things that are going on in life because it can get heavy. Jesus understands and knows that we can’t carry our burden, and He offers to His light burden and easy yoke(Matthew 11:28-30). Therefore all the glory belongs to Him and not ourselves. Independence is not a part of being a Christian, as Jesus is the vine and we are the branch, in which the only way we can bear fruit (John 15:5-6). I realize after this trial that I can’t make it without Him. Nothing I do is what keeps me, but God. I challenge you, along with myself, to ask the question, “How long has this been about me, and what can I do to begin to shift my thinking?”

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:27, Matthew 11:28-30, John 15:5-6

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